paradigm shifts

Category Archives: Hundredth Monkey World

Cheer On!

Are you full of ideas, dreams, and even drive to bring everything into creation? I would say yes. But are you feeling a little stuck? Maybe a little fatigued? Frustrated? It’s normal. From time to time, we need to check our navigation, instead of pushing full steam ahead. With blinkers on. What we have toContinue Reading

The Art of Non-Conformity with Chris Guillebeau

The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself But the forces that be, that want us to conform, are strong and consistent. After all, it’s an innate desire to belong, to fit in…it’s really a survival tactic. There is safety in numbers. You cover my weaknesses and I cover yours. We lookContinue Reading

What is Normal?

Normal is one of those words people use a lot but do we really know what it even means? The standard of normal has obviously shifted over the years. Just look at the standard of beauty. And normal is not only subjected to temporal changes or restraints but also cultural, religious, philosophical, etc. And theContinue Reading

Live YOUR Legend

There is a revolution going on. It’s been going on for quite a while now. Invisible and quiet to some but outstanding and paradigm-blasting to many. And many more are joining the ranks. I’m not talking about a revolution with guns, tanks or even strong words. This revolution starts within and is creating ripples inContinue Reading

The Art in Your Work

Are you an artist? I don’t mean if you paint or sculpt or play kick-ass rifts. I don’t mean if you are a Picasso, an Andy Warhol, a Leonard Cohen or a Fred & Ginger. I don’t mean someone you would obviously call an artist. I mean are you someone who ROCKS at what youContinue Reading

Let the Horse Remind You of You

I have been thinking about horses A LOT lately. Horses are such amazing creatures – beautiful, instinctual, intelligent… the list goes on. When I think of horses, the imagery is a herd of wild horses running through the prairies. Mustangs. Free. Symbol of the indomitable spirit. People are a lot like horses…when they operate fromContinue Reading

Be Your Own Superhero

Think back, way back, to when you were a little boy or a little girl…. ….are you there? Who are you? Who did you want to be? Who was your favourite hero? Your superhero? Was it Superman? Supergirl? Batman, Robin, or Batgirl? He Man? Wonder Woman? Bionic Man? Spiderman? Are you smiling yet? Feeling anything isContinue Reading

From Impossibility to Possibility

Hundredth Monkey is about exploring possibilities and living from a place of the possibility of possibilities. This “realm” of infinite possibilities is a special place, a beautiful place, a limitless place, where everyone is welcomed. It’s where dreams are born and where they flourish. It’s where “crazy” is the norm and “more” is an everydayContinue Reading

Leap, Flop, Bend…Do Your Thing & Change the World

  The Fosbury Flop sounds like some disaster in the food industry doesn’t it? It’s actually a high jump technique that revolutionized the sport in the 1960s. It’s that backward-arch over the pole that we see today. AND it’s a fantastic story. It’s inspirational. It’s about the human spirit and an open heart.  Triumph overContinue Reading

The Hundredth Monkey World

What does the Hundredth Monkey World look like? Now if I TOLD you what it’d look like, exactly, I’d be taking all the wind out of the sail, wouldn’t I? Plus there is this thing called free will. But really I just don’t want to spoil the fun of creation and manifestation by painting aContinue Reading